About the Program
The region's women were no more quiet contributors to the economy; they can now
be seen at the forefront of almost every arena - whether it is business,
government, banking, the judiciary system, or management, and as the region
recovers from implications of the Arab spring, it will need women with fresh
ideas and limitless ambition. Across business, professional and the public life,
women can invigorate the region and assist in building its future.
For the fourth year, the MENA Women Award recognizes the notable achievements of
Middle Eastern women leaders in the corporate world, entrepreneurs, civil
society leaders, whose achievements have set the benchmark for others to follow.
This year, we are happy to introduce a new category, where we aim to recognize Banks which have supported women owned and women run businesses
within the MENA
The award program is not limited to AmCham members, but encompasses all women
from MENA Region Council member countries who deserve the title.
Countries covered by the awards are:
- Abu Dhabi (MENA Council Chair)
- Algeria
- Bahrain (MENA Council Co-Chair)
- Egypt (Regional Secretariat)
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Morocco
- Palestine
- Tunisia
Award Categories - Nomination Criteria